We provide a “boost” to help enrich the lives of others in our community.

Our Mission

We believe that the world is a better place when more people have access to opportunities for personal growth. We want to “boost” people towards their dreams by helping them become the best versions of themselves. We believe that by providing opportunities to as many people as we can, we can change the world for the better. We also want to recognize people who are leading the way and helping others find their respective paths.

Core Values


Kindness makes the world a better place. We believe that the road to becoming the best version of yourself includes helping others reach their full potential as well.


We believe that empathy is the key to fostering respectful and constructive relationships. Considering things from someone else’s perspective helps us better understand and help one another.


We believe that all human beings are created equally. All of us deserve the dignity to live our lives without fear of discrimination for being who we are.

Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?

– Martin Luther King Jr.

Never worry about numbers. Help one person at a time and always start with the person nearest you.

– Mother Teresa